Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ben. Our 3 Year Old.

In some ways it seems surreal that we have a 3 year old and it others doesn't. I feel like Ben has been with us forever but really 3 years isn't that long especially when you think that Vince & I have been together for 10 years. He is the most talkative kid I know and he loves to make people laugh! He is by no means shy and has the best manners! He melts my heart every time he tells me he loves me or that I'm his "bestest" favorite person ever. He tests my patience daily which I think is good for me. He loves his family so much and talks about them all daily! He is a structure freak and likes things the way he knows them to be-if you move something he will go move it back to its old spot. He is a picky picky little bird of an eater. He still loves fruit, meatballs, yogurt, cereal and nuts. We have recently started the "no thank you bite" which means we put something he doesn't like or hasn't tried on his plate and he has to take 1 bite. Bubble Guppies are his new favorite show and he can't get enough! He loves to help us cook even if its just making toast. He controls the radio in my truck at all times which can be a bit annoying when we don't agree on a song. He is a total bookworm. He is so stubborn and very opinionated. Monster trucks are his favorite cars right now! I could go on and on but I won't! I can't wait to see what this year has in store for our Benny Boo!
We had Ben's 3 year check up a few weeks back and he got a clean bill of health! Dr Slaymaker said he is right on track and doing great! Not that we had any doubts!
We also had what we hope is Ben's last ortho appointment at Children's Mercy. His x-rays look great and its healing just as it should be. We have to work a bit on getting full motion back in his wrist otherwise we have to go to physical therapy. So we have been playing a lot of catch and stretching it out.

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