Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ben The Baker

Ben and I decided that some oatmeal and oatmeal raisin cookies sounded good so we decided to do a little baking. This was Ben's 1st time helping me bake/cook anything. I wasn't sure how interested he would be in it but turns out he had a blast! He loved the mixer and pouring ingredients into the bowl, stirring and adding the raisins. He didn't quite understand that you have to wait for the cookies to bake and cool before you could eat them but once he had a cookie in hand he was a happy happy boy!

Friday, July 13, 2012

20 Months

20 Months! It is amazing how quick Ben can pick new things up. He is even more chatty if that's possible, is talking in "baby sentences", can open doors,  dances all the time and does so many other new things. I was cooking dinner the other night and started singing "The Wheels On The Bus" and he started spinning round and round-guess he learned that dance move in school! Every time he hears music he starts dancing and he loves singing in the car to "his" music. Whenever you try to turn off "his" music in the car he keeps saying NO louder and louder until you give in and turn it back on. But I really don't know how many more times I can listen to "If Your Happy & You Know It"! He now tells me what he wants to eat and thinks every time the toaster comes out he is getting a waffle! He is climbing even more than ever-I can't take my eyes off him. I have found him on the kitchen table, coffee table, trying to climb into his crib and on top of his playroom shelf. This kid really is taking years off my life! He still loves playing in  "bubbles" aka water. He loves all pools, hoses and sprinklers! He loves to color with his sidewalk chalk and mow the grass. Abby is his newest word as in Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street. He has always loved him some Abby! He says please and thank you (something that sounds close to thank you). But he still uses his signs as well. Eating habits haven't changed much. He is working on a few new teeth that are taking forever. He is finally down to one nap a day. He now goes down between 12:30 -1pm and sleeps anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours! I do miss having 2 breaks in my day but like that we can get out and do more in the morning since we don't have to be home for morning nap.

4th of July

Happy Birthday America! Patrick & Leah hosted a great party of the 4th! It was super hot but so much fun! Great food, great drinks and great people make a great party!  Ben had a blast on the trampoline, playing in the sprinkler and playing in the water cooler. Guess he was kinda hot at one point and thought getting in the cooler was a good idea to cool off-he's so funny! Sadly I didn't take a lot of pictures. Thanks to P & L for a 4th of July!