Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Team Lightning McQueens

A few weeks back Ben started spring soccer with one of his best buddies Charlie from school or as he calls him "his sidekick". They are the red team and so the settled on the team mane Lightning McQueens. The first three meetings were practices and then 3 games were to follow. He is waiting to play his last game as it has been reschedules twice now to to the cold rainy weather as of late. Ben really seems to be enjoying playing for the most part. Him and Charlie get a bit distracted at times and end up tackling each other or running over to pet a dog or chase each other around the trees!
I had been waiting for a nice warm day to go watch him play so I could bring the babies with us. Luckily last Tuesday was a beautiful day and so all 5 of us went to soccer and then we ran into BRGR for dinner-it was a great family date night!

When you ask Ben what his favorite part of the game is he will tell you its at the end when everyone puts their hands in and they yell GO TEAM! That practice has now become a daily occurrence at our house!

Babies:: 6 Weeks

  • Will has officially outgrown his newborn sized clothes 
  • Both Abby & Will have started to give us real smiles
  • Will is wearing size 1 diapers and Abby is wearing size newborn diapers
  • Both are eating 3 oz on average and are eating every 3-4 hours

Babies:: Newborn Pictures

Our family photographer Shannon (www.babydayphotography.blogspot.com) came by a few days after the babies were released from the NICU and snap some pictures for us! As always we were not disappointed! Here is a sweet little video and a few of our favorite pictures!

Hop Hop Hoppy Easter

This year we had to forgo the traditional trip to see the Easter Bunny. We had been advised by the babies medical team to steer clear of places like the mall and I can only imagine how many germs were all that bunny! I'm not going to lie I was kinda bummed-I really wanted to see how Ben was going to react this year. But there is always next year! This was the babies first real holiday (I'm not counting St Patricks day since they were in the NICU and we didn't get to do anything but decorate their door)! 
Ben and I didn't get all of the Easter activities done that I had planned but we dyed eggs a few days before Easter. This year we dyed real eggs as well as these dyable plastic eggs. The real eggs turned out much more vibrant than the plastic eggs but after the plastic eggs dried Ben could take them and play with them. He still has a stash of them hidden in his coffee table in the playroom!

Ben was up and ready to hunt eggs Easter Morning! He was so excited to see that the Easter Bunny had left him his very own red scooter! He was also very excited that the jelly beans he planted outside had grown into a big lollipop!
After Ben found all the eggs the Easter Bunny had left and after he broke in his new scooter we headed over to Vince's Mom's house for Easter Brunch.
We went to my parents late Sunday afternoon to hunt for more eggs and for Easter dinner.

Babies:: 5 Weeks

  • Abby is 7 lbs 2 oz
  • Will is 7 lbs 14 oz
  • Will is starting to enjoy the swing more and more
  • Both eating 2-3 oz every 3-4 hours
  • Both got an excellent report at their weight check appointment

Monday, April 14, 2014

Singing In The Rain

Ben was just itching to go out in the rain yesterday. He gathered all his rain gear...raincoat, umbrella and his galoshes. Might I add that we have no idea where he learned the word galoshes because around our house we call them rainboots but Ben will quickly correct you! I told his he wasn't allowed off the sidewalk or driveway and so he just paced back & forth all while singing little songs! It was so darn cute!