Sunday Ben & I decorated our traditional gingerbread house but I must admit that I only piped the white icing...Ben did all the rest himself. He decided where all the candy pieces went, where to put the special green frosting and gingerbread men. He was having such a great time and was so proud of himself!
Christmas Eve::
We went to Vince's moms choirs mass at 1:30pm at St Thomas More. Ben had a great time sitting up in the choir loft listening to everyone sing during mass! Since mass was so early this year we had a little time to kill and and had time for a quick visit from Jaclyn! It was great to catch up in person and she had a very sweet gift for Ben! After that it was off to Vince's Dad & Marq's house. Grandma Marq & Papa White Truck sure know how to make a kid happy and they gave him a big black remote control monster truck! His eyes got HUGE when he saw it! And it took him all of about 1 minute to figure out how to drive it!

Then is was off to Uncle Stan's House for the traditional Rupp Christmas Eve! This year we had quite a few people missing for various reason but it was still a great night! Ben had a blast playing with his cousins and second cousins. I failed and never took my camera out once but I did snap a iPhone pic as Ben was saying goodbye to one of his new favorite people to play with...Tommy!

We didn't get home until after 10pm and Ben hadn't had a nap so he was a bit cranky but we still needed to get things ready for Santa & his reindeer! While Ben had told GG that he wanted to leave peanut butter kiss cookies & wine for Santa he told me last minute that peanut clusters and an apple juice box was what we should leave. This was a good thing because while we had plenty of wine we had eaten all the peanut butter kiss cookies! We also decided that the reindeer may like to snack on some carrots while Santa was hard at work. After we set it out we had a rerun of last year and Ben got upset because we wouldn't let him eat the peanut clusters or drink the juice. Then it was off to bed...
Christmas Day::
Vince and I woke up about 8am and we kept waiting for Ben to wake up but he was just snoozing away. We finally woke him up about 8:30am and after we finally got him to wake up he was so excited to go see what Santa had brought!
Santa didn't disappoint he got everything he asked Santa trucks, an umbrella, a sleeping bag and something he hadn't asked for a Jeep! Next it was off to my parents house for round 2! Mom made breakfast casseroles and banana nut bread! I think everyone had a great morning especially Ben!
The babies even had a few special gifts! Uncle Matt even got them some new toys-such a sweet guy! GG & Bapa gave them special blankets, new toys and matching newborn KU hats!
Soon it was obvious that someone was in need of a serious snoozer (note to self even on Christmas morning do not wake your sleeping toddler up)! Vince & I started dinner prep and soon it was time for our traditional Christmas dinner gathering! I think the thing I like best about this tradition is that each year the table has different people at it. Sometimes its a lot of people sometimes its not but I love that it is always different faces! This year we had my parents, Matt and Vince's Uncle John who was in town from San Francisco! It was a nice treat to have John all to ourselves for a night!
We still have a few more celebrations this weekend before we close the book on Christmas 2013 but so far this has been a great holiday season spend with dear family & friends!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!