Friday was Ben's first doctors appointment. Ben now weights 7lbs but the doctor said that it is normal and that he will start picking up the weight soon. I mentioned to the doctor that Ben wasn't using his left arm as much as his right. The doctor examined him and was pretty sure he had broken his left clavicle (collar bone)during delivery. So she sent us to get x-rays to be sure. Ben was such a trooper-he didn't even cry during his x-ray. The x-ray tech called me over right away to look at the x-ray and sure enough even I could tell it was broken. So his x-rays were send down to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh to confirm the break. The good news is that it shouldn't take very long to heal.
Ben did not like being naked for the doctor
Waiting for his x-ray
First Restaurant
Next we headed to Red Robin for some lunch. Ben didn't even flinch in the noisy restaurant-he just kept on snoozing!
First Store
Babies R Us was up next after lunch. We needed to just run in and grab a few items but I think it is impossible to just "run into" Babies R Us. Our Babies R Us has just converted from a Babies R Us to a Babies & Toys R Us. I am so so so not happy about this merge. Now they don't carry half the items we need/like and are always out of the things we need that they carry. Poor Vince HATES that store.
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