Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Best Buds
Miles and Ben are starting to become best buds! Miles is very active in Ben's day to day life. He "helps" during feedings, diaper changes, tummy time, story time, bath time and stands guard during swing time! Miles hates it when Ben cries-he will run up to him and stand there until one of us calms him down. Miles has been really good when it comes to leaving Ben's stuff alone. He does seem to like to go through Ben's dirty clothes basket and to steal used baby wipes during diaper changes. But all in all we have been lucky for such a smooth transition (knock on wood)!

Standing guard at the swing

Helping feed Ben

Protecting Ben in his stroller

Miles helping take Ben's 3 week picture

Hanging out with Ben on the play mat
Standing guard at the swing
Helping feed Ben
Protecting Ben in his stroller
Miles helping take Ben's 3 week picture

Hanging out with Ben on the play mat
3 Weeks
Baby Ben is now 3 weeks old! I know I keep saying this but time is flying by. I already miss my little brand new baby Ben from the first week. He is changing so fast and getting so big. This week is also my first week flying solo-well at least until Thursday when Trish gets here! But all in all the past 2 days have been fine. I'm not sure how time flies so fast during the day and how I can't seem to complete my daily to do list but that ok.
Poor Ben has both his tear ducts clogged. So he has crazy eye boogers all the time and I think that it really starting to annoy him. We have been massaging them so hopefully they will clear up soon. Ben has decided over the past few days that it seems much more fun to not go to sleep at night. He likes to be held and just hang out. We are trying to figure out how to fix this because it is not working so well for me & V! Yesterday I decided to increase his feedings to 3oz (from 2oz), he just seemed to still be hungry after his 2oz feeding. So far he seems to be enjoying the extra ounce! It is making him sleep for longer periods (well once we actually get him to sleep)which is great for us! Today he stuck his tongue out at me and he rolled it! I know he had no idea what he was doing but now we know he can roll his tongue! I never really had a doubt on that one since both V & I can both roll our tongues. Now we will have to wait and see if one of his thumbs is double jointed like the McCormack kids.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Morning With Daddy
Ben and Vince had a nice morning together today.
Vince got him dressed in some Jayhawk gear since it's game day.

Then they took a quick trip to Starbucks (after they left I realized that this was the first time I have been away from Ben).
When they got home they tried out the baby carrier and Ben took a little snoozer while we ate breakfast.

Vince got him dressed in some Jayhawk gear since it's game day.
Then they took a quick trip to Starbucks (after they left I realized that this was the first time I have been away from Ben).

When they got home they tried out the baby carrier and Ben took a little snoozer while we ate breakfast.
Turkey Day Round 2
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We sure did miss being in KC this year but we managed to have a nice little Thanksgiving here in the Burgh. We got to skype with all the people over at my parents. It was nice for everyone to see Ben and it was great to see everyone. Ben did great during the skype visit and was awake and active! Vince grilled us some nice KC strips! And we had mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and grandma rolls! Unfortunately, when it came time for dinner we ended up with one cranky baby boy. But all in all it was a very nice 1st Thanksgiving for Ben as far as I'm concerned.

The start of the cranky baby

The binky bought us a few calm minutes before our little turkey fell apart

Vince surprised me and set the table for us. I must say he did pretty well!
The start of the cranky baby
The binky bought us a few calm minutes before our little turkey fell apart
Vince surprised me and set the table for us. I must say he did pretty well!
I have a lot to be thankful for this year.
*Baby Ben-it took us a long time to finally get here and it sure was worth the wait. I can't imagine not having him in my life. I am so blessed to be able to stay home every day and be his mom.
*Vince-I am such a lucky girl to have such an amazing husband who loves me for me. And he is now an even more incredible father than I thought possible.
*Miles-he has been one of my best friends the past 6 years. While he drives me crazy at least a few times a day I am one lucky mom to have such a great fur-baby.
*Our Family-I am so grateful for our family. We really lucked out by having so many amazing members that each bring something special to the family. I can't imagine a day with out them.
*Our Friends-Our friends are priceless. I for sure would be lost with out the great support & love we get from them.
*Baby Ben-it took us a long time to finally get here and it sure was worth the wait. I can't imagine not having him in my life. I am so blessed to be able to stay home every day and be his mom.
*Vince-I am such a lucky girl to have such an amazing husband who loves me for me. And he is now an even more incredible father than I thought possible.
*Miles-he has been one of my best friends the past 6 years. While he drives me crazy at least a few times a day I am one lucky mom to have such a great fur-baby.
*Our Family-I am so grateful for our family. We really lucked out by having so many amazing members that each bring something special to the family. I can't imagine a day with out them.
*Our Friends-Our friends are priceless. I for sure would be lost with out the great support & love we get from them.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
2 Weeks
2 Weeks. Holy Cow. Ben has changed so much in the past week. We went to the doctor yesterday and he is perfect! He weight is up to 7lbs 6oz. His collar bone is completely healed and he has started using his left arm just as much as his right! He is moving all around now and likes to try to lay on his side. He is making all kinds of little noises which are so cute!
Sunday night he got to have his first real bath in his bathtub. He really seemed to like it until the end when we washed his hair. But he really likes having his hair combed after his bath!
Monday we were enjoying some great weather and took the opportunity to take Ben on his first walk. He was awake for most of the walk and seemed to enjoy the fresh air. I can't wait for spring so we resume our nightly neighborhood walks!
Today I was trying to do some laundry but someone wanted to be held so we compromised and Ben tried out his other stroller for the first time. I think he really enjoyed himself but I think the laundry room freaked him out a bit!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Belly Buttons, Birth Certificates & More Pic's
Today was a big day for Ben...his umbilical cord fell off! He now has a super cute belly button! We also checked the mail from yesterday and his birth certificate came! I can't believe he is not even 2 weeks old and he has changed so much. I decided that it was time to work on his birth announcements today which leads us to Ben's 2nd photo shoot of the weekend. So here are some pic's from today...(I am not posting the winning photo/photos for his birth announcement-you will just have to watch your mailbox)

Baby Ben's 1st Photo Shoot
Turkey Day (1 week early)
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