Thursday, April 21, 2016

Will...The 2 Year Old

William Collier you are 2 years old! You are so smart & so stubborn! You amaze us daily! You love to sing & dance-One Direction & Mother Goose Club are your top favorite "bands"! Bath time is your favorite time unless you are outside getting dirty! You love cars & balls! And your lovey is still always attached to you! You love going to school on Thursdays! You give the best Eskimo kisses! You are a huge flirt! You are never far from your big brother. You are picking up words like crazy! Sometimes I can't even believe what you are saying! We've said it from day one that you are an old soul. You are wise beyond years. You are such a sweet little boy-you spend your days giving random hugs & kisses to us! I'm so excited to watch you grow this next year! 

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