Today was Ben's 2 month well visit at the doctor. I was so excited to see how much he had grown the past 4 weeks. Boy Oh Boy was I surprised! I figured he weighed abound 11lbs...nope 12lbs 8oz! He has gained 4lbs in 1 month! And his grew 2 1/4 inches! Holy Cow! He is now in the 75% for weight and 50% for height. The doctor is happy with his growth the past month so that makes us happy! They gave him a good exam and said that he was perfect! Then came the bad part of the visit-SHOTS. Poor Ben had to get 3 shots in his thighs and 1 oral. They did the oral first and he took it like a champ but then came the shots. I have never heard him scream so loud in his 9 weeks of life. It took a good 3-5 minutes to calm him down. But now he is back to his happy little self (praying it stays that way)! We don't go back for another 2 months. But when we were making the appointment I realized that we will not be wearing our winter coats (hopefully) because it will be spring!
Naked Baby Ben

Getting Ready For The Shots

After The Shots

Poor Baby Ben
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