A few weeks back we went to look at a house that had just come back on the market. We have been talking ever since we found out I was pregnant with twins that we would need to move sooner than later to keep our sanity. We have gone and looked at a handful of houses the past year but nothing that we really liked enough to actually put our house on the market. But then a 4 bedroom brick colonial on a golf course came on and we decided we should go look. No harm in looking right? Well we looked and we loved. Its a diamond in the rough-wallpaper in almost every single room and lots of carpet and super old appliances. But Vince & I can see past all that in a house. We can envision what we can make it be. As long as the bones are good we can do it. It hit a lot of our must have's list like 4 bedrooms, big kitchen, flat driveway. So we decided we would put our house on the market and see if we would get any bites-if we did then it was a sign to move forward and put an offer in on the new one. Well we didn't break our 24 hour selling record but we did sell it in 5 days. So we put in an offer on the new house and finally came to an agreement. Then after inspections on both and battling back and forth with the buyers and the seller with threats to walk away from both deals we finally all compromised and moved forward. So we have 19 days now to pack up our whole house and move into our new house! Ben is beyond excited! He loves his new room or as he calls it "his ducky room"-yep it has 3 different wallpaper designs one of which is a mallard duck boarder. Ugh.

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