I had been dreading this doctors appointment for months...I knew it was the dreaded glucose test. I had been warned by my doctor that carrying multiples greatly increases my risk for gestational diabetes and that I shouldn't be surprised if I failed the 1 hour test. My pregnancy with Ben I had to fast after midnight and go to the lab at the hospital in the morning and they gave me a room temp bottle of orange flavored drink (I HATE orange flavored anything so this was even more unpleasant for me). I had 5 minutes to drink it and after an hour of sitting in the lab waiting room I was to have my blood drawn. I managed to get it down and barely keep it down but I did and I passed. So not having the best of experiences last time gave me all sorts of anxiety about this time. But this time was different-first off I had a choice of red or orange flavored drink! Secondly I got to drink it at home and just had to be at the doctor 40 minutes after drinking it. And lastly I didn't have to fast! So I ate my normal english muffin with peanut butter and banana for breakfast and had half a protein bar about 30 minutes before I had to drink the glucose drink. The red drink was nice and cool as I had had it in the fridge for a week and I got it down in the 5 minutes! This time I didn't really feel sick at all so that was a nice surprise! Dr P said no news is good news and that if I don't get a call the next day it meant I passed...and I never got a call so I PASSED! Yay! I got confirmation today when the nurse called to say my blood work showed I was slightly anemic and need to start on an iron supplement but I had indeed passed the glucose test!

As for my actual doctor appointment last week my blood pressure was great! Babies heartbeats were both in the 160's and my cervix is still high & closed. But I did mention that I hadn't felt brother move yet that morning so I was sent to get an ultrasound for a amniotic fluid check. Both babies looked good! Sister was much more active then Brother but he still got a good report. The other good news is that Sister's fluid measured at 14 and Brothers at 13.4. We want it above 5 but less than 20. The bad news is that Sister is now breach and Brother is head down. Not sure how the heck I missed 2 babies completely flipping around in my body but I did. I'm much more comfortable with them the other way around so hopefully they flip back soon. As I sit here Brother has his feet up in my rib cage and is pushing my ribs out-so not a pleasant feeling!
Sister's face with her hand up
Brothers face with his hand us too
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