Monday, February 3, 2014

Babies:: 28 Weeks

28 weeks/start of my 3rd trimester has proved to be one of my least favorite weeks. By no means as awful as weeks 5-13 but pretty close. My morning sickness decided to ramp up over the weekend-I actually had to cave and take my anti-nausea medicines on Sunday to get some relief. And the babies must have really gone on a growth spurt but my body couldn't expand fast enough so I was so uncomfortable. Brother is still enjoying playing in my rib cage and it really hurts! I had a horrible time sleeping thanks to awful heartburn, someone pushing on my bladder constantly and being so physically uncomfortable. I started feeling real contractions this week as well. I was used to the braxton hicks but now I'm having real stop you in your tracks contractions. Luckily I only have a few a day and there is no pattern to them. This was also the week I realized that I can't do it all and I need to remember I am pregnant and pregnant with 2 babies. So it's gotta be ok now if the house isn't spotless, the laundry isn't done, the playroom doesn't get picked up and clean sheet day doesn't happen every week. This is hard for me to accept but its whats best for the babies.

My doctors appointment was pretty uneventful. Blood pressure was up a bit but not concerning, no weight gain (not going to complain a bit about that), cervix is closed and high and new medicines for sleep & heartburn. As much as I hate taking more medicine than I have to Dr P & Vince have convinced me its for the best and I must admit it has been nice getting much better sleep and not having awful heartburn. I'm hoping 29 weeks (which starts tomorrow) will be a much better week!

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