Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Memorial Day 2012
Keeping with our new tradition of visiting the Bairringtons for the official kick off of summer we packed up the truck and headed 5 hours south. I was really surprised at how well Ben did in the car. I had packet a basket full of mostly new toys and book and lots of snacks. He was great for the first hour but then was getting cranky so we threw in an Elmo movie and all was well again. The kid had no idea there was a dvd player in the back. That seriously kept him busy until the last 30 minutes. Then he was starting to melt down-I knew he was tired since he had not snoozed at all on the way down. But of course he fell asleep as we got off our exit.
Once we ate a quick lunch Carrie and I headed out for much needed pedicures and a little girl time. It was so nice to just relax and catch up! When we got back the boys had found their spots on the patio with drinks in hand and babies at their feet. Uncle Mark turned on the sprinkler for Ben and he had a blast! We fed the kids dinner and got them to bed before we got to enjoy a great dinner! It was a nice night catching up with Carrie & Mark.
Saturday we headed out to the country for some fishing and swimming at their friends Brandon & Juli's house. It was great to see Brandon, Juli and their boys! Ben got to go fishing for the first time and Taylor got to so swimming for the first time! When we got back to the house it was dinner and baths for everyone! And then we watched the Thunder game and hit the hay.
We had a lot to get done on Monday since Vince had been traveling the week before so we had to leave early. It was sad the trip was so short but glad we went! Ben did great on the way home too! He actually took a snoozer about an hour into the drive which I was relieved since we had to get him up so early.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Deanna Rose
Tuesday afternoon Natalie and I took Ryan and Ben to Deanna Rose. They boys had so much fun! Ryan loved the bunnies! And Ben loved the goats. He thought they were dogs and kept saying "Hello Doggie". They got to help feed the baby goats and had a blast checking out Olive the cow! It was a great afternoon!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mothers Day
This year marked my second official Mother's Day! I am such a blessed person to be able to be Ben's mama! He has filled my heart with more love than I ever thought possible! And I am so thankful to have the wonderful mom that I do! She has taught me how to be a good mom and I am forever indebted to her for that! Sunday morning I was surprised with breakfast in bed on a plate Ben had made for me! Unfortunately Ben slept through my breakfast in bed but when he got up he gave me the rest of my gifts. He painted me a beautiful picture and made me a picture frame too! And if that wasn't enough Vince got me the rain boots I have had my eye on for quite some time! I sure am spoiled!
Next we were off to take Ben to delivery his presents to two of his Grandma's. Grandma Carol couldn't believe what a great painter he is and that he painted it on his own!
Then it was off to Grandma Marq's house and she was in love with the painting Ben made for her! She found a special spot for it right away! After swinging with Grandpa and playing a little basketball it was time for Ben to take a snooze.

After he got up we were out the door again to head to my parents for dinner. Ben had a great time playing outside and Dad & I went on to be undefeated ladder ball champs! GG was also very impressed with the painting Ben made for her! And then we had a great dinner but had to run out soon after because Ben was exhausted and was being quite cranky. But it was still a great day!
After he got up we were out the door again to head to my parents for dinner. Ben had a great time playing outside and Dad & I went on to be undefeated ladder ball champs! GG was also very impressed with the painting Ben made for her! And then we had a great dinner but had to run out soon after because Ben was exhausted and was being quite cranky. But it was still a great day!
18 Months
18 Months. For some reason I have been dreading Ben turning 18 months old. I think it's because he is closer to being a 2 year old than a 1 year old now. It really isn't fair how fast the baby stage goes. We had his 18 month check up and he is 25lbs 9 oz and 31 7/8" tall (40% for both). So he only gained about 1/2 a pound but grew 2 inches! I knew he had a a little growth spurt about 2 weeks ago because his 12-18 month pants were suddenly high waters and he could now pull things off the counter as well as reach into the top kitchen drawers and his changing table dresser drawers! The doctor said Ben is way ahead on his speech development! At 18 months the doctor said he would like for him to say about 6 words. Well Ben has over 20! Also he says words like bye-bye and night-night which is a closer to two year old milestone. And finally his "sentences" are a 2 year old milestone like "Mommy eat-eat bubbles" aka Mommy I want to eat and am thirsty. So we are super excited that he is a a word rock star! His new words are...ready, B aka his binky, lovey, boo-boo and a few others I can't think of! He is also starting to repeat us which is so cute! Not much new as far as food goes. Still hates milk and loves fruit. He ate so much watermelon last night I thought for sure he would make himself sick! He loves, loves, loves being outside. It is a constant battle to try to get him back inside. He loves to blow bubbles, mow the grass, dig in his sandbox, move mulch around with his big shovels, swing and ride his bikes/cars. The hose and sprinkler have been a huge hit as of late! He loves to drink the water and run in the sprinkler! Ben's last day of school at Hillcrest is this Thursday and he starts at his new school Rolling Hills in a few weeks. I can't believe how much he has grown/learned from being at school just 1 day a week!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Operation Spray Paint
So I have a new obsession...Thrift Stores and Craigs List. I have been looking for an easel for the downstairs playroom for Ben. I finally found a very loved but cute low to the ground easel on Craigs List a few weekends ago. We picked it up for $20 and I got to work on it. A little cleaning, sanding and Vince put all new hardware on to make it super sturdy. It's amazing what a few cans of spray paint can do! I added some paper clips and a spool of paper and its ready! I totally love the way it turned out!
Next up was a mission to find a little wooden chair for Ben for the front porch. I had already spray painted our very sad looking chairs we had out there but thought that Ben needed a chair too. I really wanted to find 2 pint sized chairs but only managed to find one for $2.98 at a local thrift store. So I painted over the very interesting paint job the chair already had and now Ben has a cute chair to sit in when he blows his bubbles!
Last up was on old school desk Ben and I found for $13 at another thrift store on a whim when we were dropping off some donations. Again it had been very loved but I could see the potential. I though what a fun homework desk it would make for Ben in the future. So I did a little sanding, screw tightening and of course spray painting and now we have this cute desk that is hanging out in the playroom ready for its future homework partner.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Outside Water Fun
Today we pulled out Ben's water table he got for Easter, his baby pool and the sprinkler. When Ben got up from his nap he was so excited to see everything set up for him outside! He had a blast playing in the water and this 90 degree day was the best for it! I have a feeling he will sleep good tonight!
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