I was secretly hoping that Itty would make his appearance this weekend so I could dress him up but no luck! We woke up to a pumpkin tragedy-someone had smashed Miles' pumpkin. I was so mad. Some stupid neighborhood kids with nothing better to do is my guess. Vince was an excellent pumpkin carver this year! He dedicated his to Itty since Itty gave his pumpkin up for Miles! We figured Itty wouldn't mind since he wasn't here yet. We have had a good number of Trick or Treaters and poor Vince has had to manage making dinner and answering the front door tonight. He is very eager to run out of candy so he can sit down and relax!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween
I was secretly hoping that Itty would make his appearance this weekend so I could dress him up but no luck! We woke up to a pumpkin tragedy-someone had smashed Miles' pumpkin. I was so mad. Some stupid neighborhood kids with nothing better to do is my guess. Vince was an excellent pumpkin carver this year! He dedicated his to Itty since Itty gave his pumpkin up for Miles! We figured Itty wouldn't mind since he wasn't here yet. We have had a good number of Trick or Treaters and poor Vince has had to manage making dinner and answering the front door tonight. He is very eager to run out of candy so he can sit down and relax!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Baby Rupp Update
Monday, October 25, 2010
First Trip To L & D

Sunday, October 24, 2010
37 Weeks = Full Term
This past Wednesday was our first weekly doctors appointment and I got checked to see if I was making any progress. I was really hopeful because Itty had dropped the Monday before but I was sadly disappointed because I have not made any progress. But the doctor said that some people can walk around dilated for weeks and others can go from 0-10 very quickly. We go back this Wednesday so hopefully a little progress has been made. But I really can't complain. Since Itty has dropped I have been very comfortable and sleeping pretty well (except for the constant trips to the bathroom)!
I woke up with a horrible cold yesterday morning and we went to the walk-in clinic this morning to make sure it wasn't something worse. Luckily it is just a bad cold but there isn't much I can do or meds I can take so I am pretty miserable right now. The doctor said she hoped I didn't go into labor for the next 5 days or so because it would suck to be sick and in labor. I am really hoping these past 2 days have been the worst of it and tomorrow will be the start of the end!
Here are the 37 weeks pictures...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Today marks 35 weeks and only 35 days to go. Holy Cow!
Vince wanted to spice up the picture today and take it in the front of the house. And Miles decided that he wanted to be in the picture too!
This weekend we continued to tackle the list of baby projects. Our Friday nights sure have changed in the past few months! Instead of dinner and drinks it was putting together baby gear. Vince installed one of the baby gates to make sure they will work in the doorways between the living room and the hearth and entry. That way we can separate Miles and Itty was need be. Then it was on to the baby swing assembly. Boy oh boy there were a lot of pieces. But the swing and bouncy seat are ready to go now!
Saturday morning we headed out to breakfast and then to one of the local police stations to have Itty’s carseat installed. We learned in our baby basics class that 90% of carseats are installed wrong in this country. So we thought it would be best to have a professional show us how its done. After we got home Vince installed the extra base in his car. I sure am glad we had a mini-install course because it helped us learn how tight the base needs to be and even though the middle seat is the safest place to have the carseat depending on the car it is not always the best/safest place to install it.