Labor Day Weekend in the Burgh was nice and low key. We were lucky and had great weather the whole weekend!
We kicked off the weekend a tad early on Thursday night by attending an event Vince was helping to sponsor through one of his clients. It was called Savor Pittsburgh, this was the 5th year for it and it is a fundraiser for The American Respiratory Alliance of Western Pennsylvania. It is a great event where all the top chefs in the city come together and cook their favorite recipes. You get to walk around and sample everyones work with cocktails and socialize. We ran into a few people we knew and chatted before taking off to get me a "real meal" at Cheesecake Factory.
Friday, Vince had to work so Miles and I started
Operation Baby Organization. After a long day of organizing we treated ourselves to Sesame Inn for some yummy Chinese food. Vince also had time to put together Itty's new rocking horse from his Great Grandma Werner! I know he is going to LOVE it! We also hung our new shelves above the bar! We have been looking for something to put over the bar since we moved in and finally decided on the shelves.

Saturday we had a full day of running errands. We were on the hunt for Itty's coming home outfit and a new coffee table or ottoman for the living room. Vince took me to a town called Oakmont for lunch and then to this amazing bakery for desert. We hit Vince's least favorite place in the world...the mall. Where we got lucky and found an outfit for Itty and got Vince some new glasses (finally)! We couldn't decide on which onsie to buy for the outfit so we bought both! We finished the night off with some BBQ on the grill!

Sunday morning we went to our normal breakfast spot The Italian Kitchen for breakfast. It is the best breakfast in town and its super cheap! The afternoon was spent in the kitchen making lasagna. It was our first attempt on our own making Homemade Piane Lasagna. And I am proud to say we didn't have to make one phone call for help and we now have 5 lasagnas in the freezer!Of course we had to have some for dinner...and boy was it good!
This morning we slept in and then made french toast for breakfast! Then it was off to another furniture store to continue the table/ottoman hunt. As luck would have it we found one on sale for a great price! So now we have a new oversized leather ottoman that works perfect as our new coffee table! We took Miles on a nice walk and are now just relaxing enjoying the last few hours of the holiday weekend!