Here are some of the pictures from the 3D ultrasound we had today. Itty was sleeping almost the whole time and liked to literally fold himself in half! as he slept. His feet were up at the top of his head and his hands were up to his face (as usual). We saw him open his eyes a few times which was neat! He had some big yawns too! He also likes to put his hands in his mouth and play with the umbilical cord. He is breach right now. His head is under my ribs and his butt is sitting on my bladder. This would explain the heartburn and constant trips to the bathroom! He looks to be just shy of 2 pounds and doesn't have much hair (if any). It was confirmed again that he is still a boy! He was not shy at all today about letting us know for sure! It is so crazy to think that in the next 9-13 weeks he will be here!

Itty's face with his mouth open

Itty's Profile

Big Yawn

Itty's Face

Itty's face with his hands in his mouth

Itty was tired so he turned around and faced my back and snuggled right into me! He is a cuddle bug already!
Pretty sure he's smiling in that first pic. Beautiful!