Sunday, June 27, 2010
20 Weeks
Today I am half way there! It seems like time has moved so slow these past 20 weeks, I am really hoping that the next 18-20 weeks goes much faster! Itty has been making himself known quite often these days. He like to "dance" on my bladder and do what feels like somersaults! Vince is anxiously waiting to feel his kicks too. I hope that day comes soon for him! Miles seems to have finally figure out that I am pregnant-he is now glued to me even more than usual!
Farmer Vince
Vince's garden has exploded the past few weeks! We were worried that all the rain we have been having might have washed away the seeds but it didn't. And the heat the past week has really made everything go crazy. We transplanted our green beans from a large long planter into the garden and they seem to love their new home! We have tomatoes popping up on the vines and baby roma tomatoes too. All the different peppers are starting to show themselves as well! We can't wait to start eating all our veggies!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Itty in 3D
We had planned on doing a Gender Sneak Peek 3D Ultrasound while in KC because we didn't think we would know the sex of the baby yet. But even though we had found out a few days earlier we still thought it would be cool to see Itty in 3D and having our family experience it was great!
Itty is so damn cute! We got to see his face which we didn't get to see at our ultrasound at the doctor so it was amazing to see his whole face! They confirmed the sex again as BOY!

This is his little face. Isn't he a cutie???

Here he is all relaxed and hanging out. He loves to have his arms up on the side of his head!
Itty is so damn cute! We got to see his face which we didn't get to see at our ultrasound at the doctor so it was amazing to see his whole face! They confirmed the sex again as BOY!

This is his little face. Isn't he a cutie???

Here he is all relaxed and hanging out. He loves to have his arms up on the side of his head!
Visit to KC
We had such a great time in KC this past week. After a very crazy trip in with getting locked in a plane, running through airports and lost luggage we made it to KC!
Once we landed we had lunch with my parents and Matt then headed to J and Stef's new house. We had a blast hanging out with all the Rupp's and Piane's! It seems like forever since everyone was together all in one place. We had dinner with our friends Jared and Shari at the Blue Moose and it was yummy! And something Shari ate made her go into labor! Baby Jackson arrived on Monday!

Monday Vince and I had breakfast on the patio on at Classic Cup and then ran some errands. Then we met the families at our 3D ultrasound! And then headed to lunch at O'Neils. After lunch Vince and Carrie went to go visit with Grandma & Grandpa Piane. And I got a great surprise at my parents house...Patrick! He had changed his flight and came home early from Chicago to see us! He had been in Chicago for Leah's college graduation-Congrats Leah! It was so great have him be home for my birthday dinner and have the whole family there! Mom did a great job on the fried chicken, gravy, veggie casserole, mashed potatoes and of course chocolate cake!

Tuesday Vince had to start his work meetings so I chopped off 7 inches of my hair (what was I thinking!) and had a great lunch with my mom and aunt. Tuesday afternoon Jaclyn came down to the Plaza to see me. We had a nice visit walking around the Plaza! I got to see all the girls for a bit at the hotel bar and was so happy to see them!
Wednesday I walked around the Plaza and did a little shopping for the newest little Jayhawk! Then had lunch with Carol and Carrie. It was so much fun spending time with them! Mom and I then ran some errands and I headed to dinner with Carrie, Erin and Emily at Baja 600. It was so nice to have dinner with them, I really miss seeing them more often.
Thursday morning we had breakfast with Carrie and Mark before heading to the airport. The first leg of the trip was very uneventful but the second flight was delayed two hours. But luckily the kennel owner was nice and let us pick up Miles after hours!
Once we landed we had lunch with my parents and Matt then headed to J and Stef's new house. We had a blast hanging out with all the Rupp's and Piane's! It seems like forever since everyone was together all in one place. We had dinner with our friends Jared and Shari at the Blue Moose and it was yummy! And something Shari ate made her go into labor! Baby Jackson arrived on Monday!
Monday Vince and I had breakfast on the patio on at Classic Cup and then ran some errands. Then we met the families at our 3D ultrasound! And then headed to lunch at O'Neils. After lunch Vince and Carrie went to go visit with Grandma & Grandpa Piane. And I got a great surprise at my parents house...Patrick! He had changed his flight and came home early from Chicago to see us! He had been in Chicago for Leah's college graduation-Congrats Leah! It was so great have him be home for my birthday dinner and have the whole family there! Mom did a great job on the fried chicken, gravy, veggie casserole, mashed potatoes and of course chocolate cake!
Tuesday Vince had to start his work meetings so I chopped off 7 inches of my hair (what was I thinking!) and had a great lunch with my mom and aunt. Tuesday afternoon Jaclyn came down to the Plaza to see me. We had a nice visit walking around the Plaza! I got to see all the girls for a bit at the hotel bar and was so happy to see them!
Wednesday I walked around the Plaza and did a little shopping for the newest little Jayhawk! Then had lunch with Carol and Carrie. It was so much fun spending time with them! Mom and I then ran some errands and I headed to dinner with Carrie, Erin and Emily at Baja 600. It was so nice to have dinner with them, I really miss seeing them more often.
Thursday morning we had breakfast with Carrie and Mark before heading to the airport. The first leg of the trip was very uneventful but the second flight was delayed two hours. But luckily the kennel owner was nice and let us pick up Miles after hours!
Friday, June 11, 2010
It's a BOY!
Today was our anatomy ultrasound. This day seemed to take forever to get here! The scan was amazing and all looks good! We are so relieved and happy. All we wanted was a healthy baby and it seems like we got it! The ultrasound tech was also able to tell us the sex...boy! Vince told me it was a boy all along-looks like he was right! We also got to see Itty as he was practicing breathing and sucking on his hand. He is so adorable. We get to see him again on Monday at the 3D ultrasound in KC and we are super excited!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Celebrating Sarah's Birthday
Another year sure did fly by...last year we were living in Philly and celebrating my 30th birthday in NYC! Now we are living in Pittsburgh and having a baby!
My birthday was great! Vince took me out to Hyde Park for dinner on Saturday night. My steak was really yummy!

And Sunday morning I woke up to a little party with my favorite bagel and presents! Vince spoiled me rotten as usual. He got me the new Sprint phone called the Evo. It is really cool! Miles got me some new Reef flip flops and a card that barks "Happy Birthday". It was a great birthday morning. We ran some errands and had a nice relaxing day. Vince cooked our usual Sunday pasta dinner and then we celebrates more with some tasty cupcakes he bought from a local bakery.Vince even let Miles have a bite so he could help celebrate! I feel so thankful that I got such a wonderful hubby and dog who really made my day special!

And I want to give a big thank you for all the birthday cards, calls and emails. I am truly lucky to have some many wonderful people in my life!
My birthday was great! Vince took me out to Hyde Park for dinner on Saturday night. My steak was really yummy!
And Sunday morning I woke up to a little party with my favorite bagel and presents! Vince spoiled me rotten as usual. He got me the new Sprint phone called the Evo. It is really cool! Miles got me some new Reef flip flops and a card that barks "Happy Birthday". It was a great birthday morning. We ran some errands and had a nice relaxing day. Vince cooked our usual Sunday pasta dinner and then we celebrates more with some tasty cupcakes he bought from a local bakery.Vince even let Miles have a bite so he could help celebrate! I feel so thankful that I got such a wonderful hubby and dog who really made my day special!
And I want to give a big thank you for all the birthday cards, calls and emails. I am truly lucky to have some many wonderful people in my life!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Miles is a Graduate!
Tuesday was a big day at the Rupp house! Miles graduated from invisible fence school! After weeks of "school" and a lot of "homework" he is free! Every since we moved if he wanted to be outside he had to be baby-gated on the deck or tied up on the patio. Now you can just see it on his face when he struts out into the yard to go potty by himself. And let me tell you how happy he is to be able to play Frisbee again.
Here is some video of Miles and Vince playing Frisbee...
Here is some video of Miles and Vince playing Frisbee...
16 Week Bump
The past 16 weeks seem like they took forever to pass. I am very glad to be out of the first trimester. I finally started to feel much more like myself a few weeks ago-which I know Vince is very happy about! And now I just have this growing belly to get use too! We have our anatomy ultrasound on the 11th-we are very excited to get to see Itty and make sure all is well with him/her.
Memorial Day Weekend 2010
We had quite a busy Memorial Day Weekend! We got a ton of items crossed off of our to-do list. We started by clearing out my office which will now be Itty's room. So that meant that Vince had to move his clothes out of the closet and we had to take apart my desk and move the armoire into the guest room. We got a neutral rug made to fit the room and picked it up and put it down. So now we just need to call and schedule the furniture delivery.
We also added some nice ottomans to the deck furniture, an outdoor rug and a umbrella that tilts and rolls. Vince also thought it was time to replace the spring flowers with summer flowers. We make a really good team when it comes to landscaping and really enjoy it! I am the designer and he is the planter! So we planted a nice new tree and filled up numerous pots with pretty summer flowers! We started our annual power washing project but before I could even finish the front walkway the washer started smoking and died. So now we need to get a new one to finish up the front and then the back walkway and patio.
On Monday we headed downtown for lunch and then headed to our first Pirates game. The stadium is very nice-it reminds me of Citizens in Philly but the backdrop at PNC is much better. Vince got us amazing seats 13 rows behind home plate. As soon as the first pitch was getting thrown the skies opened up. At first it was light rain but then it started to pour. We ran for cover along side a ton of people. Luckily the usher took pity on this pregnant girl and gave us new seats under cover. The new seats were good too and we enjoyed the rest of the game there.
I was really sad to see Tuesday come and Vince go back to work. We had so much fun on our long weekend.
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