Friday, July 19, 2013

A Day In The Life Of Ben...


Ben's morning started about his usual wake up time of 8:15 am. He always wakes up so happy and most mornings he starts singing songs!
As I change his diaper we discuss what we should have for breakfast. Today he choose waffles.
As soon as his new diaper is on he is off to the playroom to start playing as I start breakfast.
 Ben has to do his chore before he eats...feed Miles breakfast.
Waffles, turkey sausage and yogurt with granola is whats on the menu for breakfast today.
After breakfast I needed to take a shower. Ben runs and gets my iPad and sets up shop on his step stool while I get to take a shower mostly in peace!
Brushing teeth, getting dressed and picking out shoes is next.
Then is was off to run some errands. Our first stop was Sams to buy one of our favorite snacks!
Then it was a special trip to Toys R Us. We had been talking with Ben about giving up his "b" aka binky for the past week or so. I know I am a few months past due getting this done but it's hard to let yet another baby thing go. To my defense he only has his b sometimes in the car and only in his bed at home. But its time and today is the day. So we scoured the aisles and once we hit the Tonka aisle Ben couldn't contain himself! He was so excited it took a bit of time but he finally settled on a new bulldozer. He was so excited but yet still very sad about the thought up giving up his b. He was worried he had to give up his lovey and blankies but I reassured him he could keep those forever if he wanted. He was trying to convince me to let him keep just one b in his bed. No dice kid-all or nothing. So I told him he couldn't open his new bulldozer until he threw all his b's in the trash....
Ben has been asking to ride an escalator all week. So I took him over to the mall and let him ride the escalator a few times in Nordstrom.
It was nearing lunch time and we happened to be riding the escalator up to the third floor where Nordstrom Cafe happens to be and it also happens to be one and Ben & I's favorite lunch spots!
After our belly's were full we headed home but stopped into Hy-Vee for Ben to pick out some Magic Pops or as he calls them "crunchies". He picked blueberry (shocker) and strawberry!
When we got back home Ben had a timeout to do. He had thrown a tantrum in line at Nordstrom Cafe over a dropped raisin and wanting apple juice.
Once Ben was out of timeout is was nap time. New diaper, blinds closed, fan on and last nap with a b (fingers crossed). He was pretty upset about this being the last time he would have his b.
2 Hours later Ben is up and ready to roll!
Snack Time: Ben decided on some trail mix & some "crunchies".
Snack is generally eaten on the couch as we watch a show on Disney Jr.
Then he told me he was ready to throw his b away so he could have his new bulldozer. So we gathered up as many b's as we could find and then Ben threw them away. So then we opened up his new bulldozer!
We were kinda bored and knew Daddy wouldn't be home for another hour at the best so we decided to make some blueberry muffins. My little baker loves to wear his fire truck apron and stand in his "castle" aka learning tower and help me cook! He loves cracking eggs and stirring! Once the muffins were baked we just had to try a bite because they smelled so yummy!
Daddy got home about 5:30 pm and Ben was so excited to tell him about his new bulldozer and that he had thrown all his b's away.
Dinner was next. Ben hardly ever eats the same thing as Vince and I so on his plate tonight was organic chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, blueberries, orange and the rest of his blueberry muffin. Not much of a surprise that he ate all the fruit and muffin but only took a few bites of chicken and mac & cheese.
Bath time with Daddy follows dinner at our house. I clean up the kitchen and Vince cleans up Ben.
Once a clean Ben in his jammies comes back its time to read some book, pick up toys and hang out before bed.
Bedtime is anywhere from 7:30-8:30 pm depending on Ben's mood and what we have going on the next day. Tonight bed time was right at 8 pm. And it went as I expected since it is the first bedtime without his b-tears, tears and more tears. Poor little guy.

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