Crazy how time flies...2 Halloweens ago I was 38 weeks pregnant and on bed rest. 1 Halloween ago we had the cutest crawling Moo Cow I had ever seen. And this year we had a running trick or treating sheriff. Ben had a little experience from our trunk or treating over the weekend so I was excited take him out in the neighborhood. After Vince got home from work he wanted to go for a run so he and Ben ran up to Corinth and trick or treated at all the stores. Then it was time for a quick dinner and off we went for the real trick or treating! We loaded up his wagon and began making our way down the street. Ben had a blast! He sure can grab a huge fist full of candy for a little guy! We made it up the block and back and Ben was done. It was past his bedtime and he was tired. But I think his first real Halloween was a success! 
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The past two days we have been hard at work decorating and carving pumpkins. First up was a little decorating with good old mod podge and tissue paper. Ben had fun putting the circles on his pumpkin but once he saw me putting the glue on the pumpkin he insisted on putting the glue on. What a sticky mess it was but so fun too!
Next up was painting and carving. We wait until Da got home for the carving. For some reason to me carving pumpkins is a job for the dad with the big muscles! So while V started carving Ben started painting his pumpkin. Again what a huge mess but he had so much fun!
After the carving was done the cleaning out the guts job fell on me. I saved some seeds so we could make our traditional toasted pumpkin seeds!
Here are the Rupp Pumpkins 2012...
Monday, October 29, 2012
Weekend Round Up
This weekend went fast fast fast. I think part of it was because we didn't really have a Friday night. Vince was on his way back from the Burgh and didn't end up getting home until after 9pm. So that night was pretty much shot. Saturday morning we had Ben's 2 year photo shoot. The plan was to go to the Red Barn Farm in Weston but it was so dang cold that I didn't think Ben would make it more than a few minutes. So we decided that doing the photos at home would be the best-I am so excited to see them! The rest of the day was spent running errands and playing. Sunday we had to tackle the leaves. We hadn't raked on purpose since we wanted to get a few family pic's in the yard so we had a ton of leaves. 4 hours and 27 bags later the front yard was done. Ben had a blast raking and bubble blowing the leaves! He wasn't the biggest fan of being in the leaf piles unless you were in there with him though.
GG & BaPa stopped by to bring Ben his Halloween treats and a stick horse for his costume. I wasn't sure Ben would know how to "ride" the horse but once GG showed him he was off and riding! I decided than since we had someone to take a picture of us we should put our costumes on and get a quick family pic. Ben of course couldn't let go of his Halloween candy from GG & BaPa so the candy had to be in the picture too. After an afternoon snoozer for Ben Uncle Potty & Aunt Leah came over to play at Ben's Park with him! Ben had a blast playing with them! And I'm pretty sure that Patrick and Leah had just as much fun!
And then it was off to a Trunk & Treat our neighbors gave us tickets to. Ben was all about carrying his pumkin and was so excited that people put candy in it for him! We are working on saying Trick or Treat but that may not happen until next Halloween. Before we knew it the weekend was over and now its on to another busy week!

Ben's Park

Sunday, October 14, 2012
23 Months
23 down 1 to go! I can't believe how fast this year went too. We are in full birthday party preparation! And Ben is getting super excited about his party! Not much new this month except for the explosion of words. If I had to guess I would say he is well on his way to 200 words. It has been almost unreal the things that are coming out of his mouth. He repeats EVERYTHING he hears. The good and the bad so we have to watch our mouths closely. He has totally stopped signing all together and can tell you just what he wants. If you don't understand him he will take your hand and show you! He is also starting to recognize letters...B-E-N-R-P-O. He can also count to 5! He loves to sing and dance and is still controlling the radio song selections in our cars! That absolutely drives Vince crazy but I don't mind because its better than the kids songs I have heard a thousand times. He is still obsessed with his rain boots-rain or shine! Popcorn is his new favorite food. He asks for it as soon as he wakes up and all day until hes back in bed! He is obsessed with the movie Cars 2. He calls it "car show" and I feel like we watch it all the time. WordWorld is another huge hit-he calls it "doggie show". He is getting really good at recognizing animals and telling you what sound they make. But he thinks dinosaurs said neigh neigh but who really knows maybe hes right! I can't believe in less than a month our baby will no longer be a baby but a 2 year old.
The Great Pumpkin Hunt 2012
A few weekends back we headed out to the pumpkin patch! All the McCormacks were present and Aunt Joie joined us this year for her 1st ever pumpkin patch experience! Boy what a difference a year makes-last year Ben was in his stroller and was just along for the ride. This year we had a running, jumping, train riding toddler. Ben had a blast checking everything out-pig races, the bus full of sand, milking a pretend cow, riding the barrel train (with me) and of course picking pumpkins! Leah & Mom were crazy pumpkin pickers! They found some awesome ones! And Matt found the cool white pumpkins again this year! A few hours and 3 wheelbarrows later we were ready for Halloween!
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