A little spray paint later and Ben has a new train/car/puzzle/whatever he wants table! I put it downstairs in the basement playroom and he loves it!
Second up was this bookshelf I bought for $15 at the thrift store. I wanted a bookshelf for the basement playroom and I knew with a little love aka paint it would be great! So when I painted the train table I got to work on the bookshelf too.
The basement playroom still has some more work to be done to it but it's coming along project by project...
I have been on the hunt for a cool frame to make a chalkboard for the kitchen. I have been looking for what seems like ever and ever. I finally found one at the thrift store for $14. So I taped it off and got to work!
First I painted several coats of the chalkboard paint. I started out with the spray can version but felt it didn't really give me the old school chalk board look/feel. So I has a can of the regular chalkboard paint left over from Ben's easel so I painted a few more coats and then it was perfect! Next I painted the frame white but the rustic character of the wood it didn't look good white. So next it was a rusty red color-it looked good but on the green kitchen wall it looked like Christmas. So after looking around the garage I found this gray matte metal spray paint I had left over from another project and figured what the heck lets see what happens. And surprisingly it came out pretty good! I was going to use it for a weekly menu board but I wasn't in love with it so after a few days I decided to make it our seasonal bucket list!
And finally I had been searching for a small step stool for Ben for the 1/2 bathroom. And again the thrift store payed off this bad boy was pretty loved but on cost me $3.99. What a deal! And the added bonus was that it it also doubles as a super cute chair! It needed a good cleaning and new hardware and of course some paint! Ben loves it! Well worth the $4 and elbow grease!