One of Ben's classmates told him about this wonderful place in the mall where you go and make your own stuffed animal...he went onto tell Ben how he made this awesome Minion (or as Ben calls them-Mindians) and that Ben should go as well. Ben could not stop talking/asking/begging/pleading with me to take him to Build-A-Bear. Vince was traveling that week so I told him that if he made good choices all week, helped mommy when I needed it and was nice to his babies that I would take him. To be honest I didn't think he could go all week without getting "3 strikes" but that kid was determined. He only got 1 strike all week. So off to Build-A-Bear we went. We were there right when they opened and the look on his face was priceless! One of the store workers explained to Ben how it all works and that the first step was picking out a new friend to make. So he looked and he looked-went past the Minions, past the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, past the bears and landed on a golden retriever. He said it looked like my parents dog Zoie and that was his pick! He went on to pick out a heart, stuff his new friend, bathed his new friend (where he conned me into buying his new friend a hairdryer & brush), registered his new friend and then pay our bill and box up our new friend...Max. Ben was over the moon to carry Max out of the mall! Max never left his arms for a solid 2 days!
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