That Tuesday night they were given the "car seat test". In order to pass the test they have to sit in their car seats for 90 minutes and not have any breathing or heart rate issues. Both babies passed with no problem!
That Wednesday we got informed by Abby's medical team that they thought they heard a heart murmur and that she needed to see the cardiologist for some testing. Luckily the cardiologist from Children's Mercy comes to the NICU on Thursdays so we didn't have to take her down to Children's. The tests indicated that Abby has a small Atrial Septal Defect aka a tiny whole in her heart that should close on its own in the coming months. And she also has mild Pulmonary Valve Stenosis-"the pulmonary valve opens to let blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs. Narrowing of the pulmonary valve causes the right ventricle to pump harder to get blood past the blockage". Thankfully her case is labeled as mild so the hope is as she grows and her heart grows the pulmonary valve will grow as well and correct itself. We go back for a check-up/testing in June and hopefully both problems have corrected themselves. I'm trying not to worry but its my kids heart we are talking about here so that's easier said than done. But we fully trust her medical team and if they say not to worry then I'm going to do my best not to worry.
On a lighter note the babies got their hospital pictures taken the day before they were released! Their pictures are much different than the standard hospital pictures I am use to seeing!
Abigail Elizabeth
William Collier
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