Friday, February 21, 2014

Babies:: Weeks 29, 30 & 31

Week 29: This week was uneventful as far as my pregnancy was concerned. Ben had his second snow day of the week the day of my weekly doctors appointment so he got to come along. His favorite part is getting to hear the babies heartbeats! He even got upset and started telling Dr P that she forgot to listen to his sisters heart-it was so cute! That Saturday we kept with tradition and grabbed my parents and headed to Sheehan's Irish Imports and picked out crosses for the babies. I knew there was something we were forgetting to do for the nursery and then it finally hit me-they needed their Irish crosses. When I was pregnant with Ben and my parents were out helping with the nursery we went to the local Irish shop and picked out one for Ben so it only felt right to continue the tradition with them. We haven't gotten them hung yet but its on the project list for this weekend!
Week 30: This week was a bit more drama filled than previous weeks. At my doctors appointment I had my normal 4 week ultrasound. Both babies looked great! Sister weighing in at 3lbs 7oz but still head up. Brother weighed in at 3lbs 8oz still head down. The pictures we get now aren't great because the babies are so much bigger and the babies are so smashed. I really feel bad for them! During my actual doctors appointment I had 2 high blood pressure readings...143/90. The danger line is 140/90. I also had some white blood cells & blood in my urine and that meant I had a uti. Luckily my 3rd blood pressure reading dropped enough after laying on my side that I narrowly escaped a trip to labor & delivery. My antibiotic for the uti said to take with food so I waited until dinner to take my first dose. Vince was at a work function so it was just me and Ben that night so we had breakfast for dinner! About 30 minutes later my eyes started itching which I thought was weird, then my ears, then my throat got really itchy and swollen which was starting to get scary and then I got a rash & welts on my arms. I dug the drug info sheet out of the trash and realized I was having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Thank God for my sister-in-law Angela being a nurse practitioner. I knew I could reach her faster than calling the doctors answering service and waiting for a call back. I will totally admit I was freaking out a bit that I was home alone with a 3 year old and didn't know if the reaction was going to keep getting worse. Angela told me to take a Zyrtec & Pepcid and then she had me call Vince to have him come home immediately, then call the doctors office and then call 911 if it continued to get worse. Thank God the meds started to work, Vince came right home and the doctor on called back and confirmed that Angela had me do everything right. So after about an hour I was still just a little itchy but by morning I was good as new! So now I get to add that family of antibiotics to my allergy list along with Benadryl. The rest of the week was less dramatic thankfully! Vince was on a mission last weekend and got all the bottles and binkies boiled & washed, the car seats tested out in my truck, washed the swing & bouncy seat covers and installed the video cameras for the new baby monitor!

Week 31: Seeing that week 30 was a little crazy I figured this week would be pretty uneventful. But boy oh boy was I proven wrong. Thankfully Vince came with me to my standing Thursday doctor appointment this week-because it started off bad and just kept getting worse...first I had 3 high blood pressure readings of 146/90 even after laying on my side, my left leg was super swollen, and if that wasn't bad enough my cervix had started to soften and I was a finger tip dilated. So I got a ticket straight to Labor & Delivery. Dr P wanted my blood pressure monitored, my contractions & the babies monitored, have radiology ultrasound my leg for a potential blood clot and finally wanted to give me the first of two steroid shots to help mature the babies lungs in case they decide to make an appearance in the next few weeks. We had done the blood pressure song & dance in     l & d with Ben numerous times so that didn't really scare either one of us. But the potential blood clot in my left leg and having to get steroid shots for the babies really scared us. We got to l & d and I got admitted right away didn't even have to stop off at triage it was straight to a delivery room. My nurse got me and the babies all hooked up to the monitors and then did the lab work Dr P had ordered. Then I got my first steroid shot. The second shot has to be given exactly 24 hours later. Luckily my blood count and kidney function tests came back great! There was a bit of protein in my urine but not enough for major concern. And my leg ultrasound showed no blood clots! I took it all as a really good sign because then they gave me a late lunch to eat and even a diet coke! So after about 5 hours I got released with moderate bed rest orders. Meaning I need to really cut back even more and rest rest rest on the couch. No trips to the grocery store but I can take Ben to school. We went back to the hospital today for my second shot and my blood pressure was 127/76 so it looks like the bed rest is already working! All I can say is thank goodness for a wonderful husband, mother and mother-in-law who are making sure Ben, the babies and I are well taken care of for the next few weeks. I go back to the doctor on Monday so lets hope that the bed rest is really working and my blood pressure stays in the normal range & my cervix hasn't dilated anymore.

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