Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ben's Last Day at Rolling Hills

Ben's last day at Rollings Hills was a few weeks back. It was a bittersweet day. He was excited to go to his new school for Pre-K but sad to be leaving his friends. I was sad our time at Rolling Hills was coming to an end but at the last minute we decided to sign Abby & Will up for Moms Day Out on Thursdays so we don't have to say goodbye just yet to Rolling Hills!

Team Rockets

T-Ball came to an end a few weeks back. I had mixed emotions about the season ending. Ben had so much fun with all this friends. And I enjoyed the social aspect of seeing my friends for an hour! I did not enjoy when we had late 7:30 games and Vince was out of town (that's how the last 3 weeks of the season went). So the last Tuesday game was a bit bitter sweet. After the game their coach gave out trophies! This was Ben's 1st trophy! To say he was over the moon was a understatement. I love seeing those moments of pure joy on my kids faces and this was one of them!
Of course I forgot to grab my camera on the way out the door. Luckily Meredith grabbed hers and snapped a few cute pictures of the Bens!

My Sweet Sweet Ben

I'm not going to lie having a 4 year old isn't always sunshine & rainbows. There are moments that I want to pull my hair out. This kid can push my buttons better than anyone I have ever met. There are days that I seriously want to just run out the front door and give up. And sometimes those days run one right after each other. And then this happens...

"Mommy I made you breakfast in bed!"

This kid learned how to make toast a few weeks ago. He thinks he's pretty cool since he "knows how to cook now"! This particular morning he had snuck downstairs before I got up and made me cinnamon toast all by himself. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when this little blondie with a giant smile came in holding my "breakfast in bed" on a cookie sheet because he couldn't reach the plates. I mean seriously how damn cute if he??? He refilled my parenting tank in less than 30 second. I swear this kid knows when he's pushed me close to the edge and always knows how to bring we back. #lovehim

Ben the Fisher

Ben's new hobby this summer is fishing! We were out at Deanna Rose earlier this summer and Ben begged me to go fishing. Its a pretty basic set up out there-a bamboo pole with a bit of line and a hook and a can of worms. Ben was so very excited-he thought he was hot stuff fishing. We were down to our last few bits of worm when low and behold Ben caught a fish...his very first fish ever! The look on his face was priceless! He had the biggest smile all day! Poor Vince was pretty disappointed he missed Ben's first fish. So he took him to get his very own real fishing pole! Both of them were so excited to come home a try it out in the backyard! There is a small creek that divides our backyard and the 15th hole of the golf course. We have discovered along with the beavers, snapping turtle, ducks and frogs we also have about 10-15 fish. These fish we have come to find out aren't the fancy kind-they are the simple raw hot dog loving kind. Which is right up our alley! Ben loves fishing out back-he would fish morning, noon and night if we let him!