Saturday, November 26, 2011

Who does Ben look like???

I found a couple of Vince & I's baby pic's-who do you think Ben looks like???
 Vince-12 months old
 Sarah-1st Birthday
Sarah-1st Birthday

Gobble Gobble

Well I woke up with Ben's cold on Thanksgiving. Lucky me. But Ben seemed to be feeling better so that was the good news. We had a small Thanksgiving this year but it was perfect! I was so excited that this year our "traveling" involved a 15 minute car ride not a 3 hour plane ride! We were lucky enough to have the  Connelly's and Donna join us! We did the annual McCormack Christmas Light lighting! Madelyn and Ben really liked it! Mom made an AMAZING dinner (as usual). Ben decided to not take an afternoon nap so by dinner time he was spent. I was so excited to watch him eat his first turkey day feast but that didn't happen. I put him in his seat and he screamed and screamed. He didn't even want to try pie.  Hopefully next year will go better! Sadly I didn't take a lot of pictures since I wasn't feeling the best. But here are a couple...

Friday, November 25, 2011


This year I am thankful for so much...

My wonderful hubby. I am so blessed to still have Vince with me (us). I thank God everyday for leaving him here for Ben & I. I literally can not imagine my life without him. I'm not sure there is anyone else out there who could make me laugh the way he does, who could put up with my crazy ocd tendencies, and who could love me any more than he does.

My love buggy. Ben has only been on this earth 12 months but I feel like he has always been with me. He gives me purpose. He makes me a better person. His laugh can make my mood change in a second. He melts my heart constantly with his little kisses! I never knew the kind of love he would bring my heart.

My boogie. While this past year Miles has driven me a little crazy at times I am still very thankful for him. I love watching him play and protect Ben. He has become a great help to me when I feed Ben as he is my floor and highchair cleaner! And he is my protector when Vince isn't home.

And in no particular order....

My family. My friends. DVR. Diet Pepsi. Winsteads. My house. Target. Wine. Uggs. My camera. My iPhone. Crab cakes. My label maker. Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream. My 4runner. Being a Jayhawk. Flip flops. Sharpies. Chapstick. Gum. Red Swedish fish. Living in KC. People magazine. FB. Hempz lotion. Vacations. Captain Morgan. Strawberry blow pops. Purell. Clorox Wipes. My pictures. Video baby monitors. Rubbermaid containers. Chai lattes. Chex mix.

I am so thanful for these 2 boys. I am so blessed.

Ben's 1st Steps

Another first for the baby book....November 22 Ben took his first steps! 3 steps to be exact! I literally could not believe my eyes! I couldn't get my camera in time to get a  pic of him taking the steps so I took a pic a few minutes after so we could remember the moment. Ben has been fighting a bad cold so I was even more surprised that he took his first steps while sick. He has taken a few more steps since Tuesday but not more than 2 or 3.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ben's 1 Year Pictures

Ben's 1 Year Stats

We took Ben to the doctor on Monday for his 1 year check-up. The doctor said he is perfect healthy happy baby (well I guess I should say toddler but I'm not ready for that yet)! He is in the 75% for weight, 35% for height and 70% for head circumference. Poor guy had to get some shots and it was not pleasant. They had me sit on the table and hold him in my lap. I hated it. I felt so bad for him. He has to go back next month for the second half of his flu shot which he will not be happy about but at least it's just 1 shot.

Weight: 24lbs 9oz
Height: 29 1/4in
Head Circumference: 18 1/2in

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ben's 1st Birthday

We celebrated Ben's 1st birthday on his actual birthday too! Nothing quite like his party but still fun! We went to lunch with Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa! Where Ben got yet another present from his Gee Gee...his first puzzle! After Daddy got home from work we opened more birthday presents! I think the wagon walker was a hit! And then Ben got to have his favorite dinner....Meatballs! (I made meatball subs for Vince & myself!) And then it was time for more birthday cake! 

Ben's 1st Birthday Party

Saturday we had Ben's 1st Birthday Party! I was so excited to plan this party! The theme came to me pretty easy...Giraffe's! About 5 years ago we were in San Francisco and visited Vince's Uncle John. He had this awesome Jonathan Adler lamp that I fell in love with. So of course I had to get one...
I always knew that when we had a baby it would be the first thing in the nursery. And it was the first thing in Ben's nursery! I still love this lamp as much as I did the first time I saw it! When we were in Florida last year we took Ben to the Naples zoo and he loved watching the giraffes! So I knew  for sure that that would be our party theme!
There are way to many pictures to post so here is a link to some of the pictures! And thank you to everyone who came to help Ben celebrate Ben's 1st Birthday! It really meant a lot to all 3 of us!

12 Months

It is so unbelievable to me that we now have a 12 month old! I have more of a toddler than I do a baby now! He is such a daredevil! He has no fear-and I am starting to realize that that may not be the best thing. He has a "permanent" bruise on the left side of his forehead. As soon as the bruise starts to heal he gets a fresh one in almost the exact same spot. Poor guy. He still only has 6 teeth but the drool has picked up the past week or so I have a feeling he may be cutting a few soon. This Sunday will be his first day on 100% whole milk. No more formula! He seems to be adjusting pretty well. He is not a juice fan which is surprising to me but he still loves ice water! Daylight Savings has messed with his sleeping pattern a bit. He gets cranky about 6:30 pm now (which is not great timimg for Vince & I since that is dinner time for us). We have been putting him to bed between 7-7:30 pm like normal but instead of sleeping until 8:30 am or 9am he is getting up between 7-7:30 am. I am really hoping that he gets back onto his normal schedule soon! Ben isn't walking yet but he walks behind his shopping cart & walker wagon. I think it just a matter of days before he takes his first steps! He has become an even bigger chatter box. He said Mama for the first time on Halloween! And he calls Vince "Da". He tries to say doggie and he can almost say up (as in pick me up). He calls my mom Gee Gee. His most used words and Hi and Yeah. You can ask him a question and he will say yeah! But you could ask him anything and he will answer yeah. He has become more of a carnivore over the past month. He loves all beef-meatballs, taco meat, stew meat, steak. And has started to really like chicken nuggets. Salsa is a huge hit with him! He will eat it right off a spoon or likes his Cheerios dipped in it! So funny!

52 Weeks

I can NOT believe that this week marks the end of Ben's weekly pictures. I must say I am pretty proud of myself for sticking to it for the full 52 weeks. I think it will be a great keepsake for Ben!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1 Year Ago Today

One year ago today we were at St Clair Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. At 12:41pm after 3 hours of labor and 2 hours of hard pushing Benjamin Vincent Rupp was born! Weighing in at 7lbs 8 oz and 20 inches.
Ben has been the biggest blessing to us. I don't think Vince & I had any clue as to have much our lives would change for the better once Ben came into it. He has taught us to love harder and deeper than we ever imagined our hearts could allow. That no matter how tired/sad/angry you are a cute baby smile or laugh makes it all better. That hearing mama and dada can melt you in an instant. That being needed has never felt so wonderful. And that dreams really do come true if you just believe.

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Ben! We love you to the moon and back!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mommy's Little Artist is going to keep me very busy this winter! My to-do list is growing longer and longer with projects! So I was looking for ideas for something to put on the wall in Ben's playroom. I had looked at the kids art picture frames online and at Target and decided that I really didn't want to waste the money. So I came across a DIY kids art picture frame project. And decided to give it a go! All I needed was some frames (that I bought at Good Will), spray paint, burlap and a few clips. The whole project took no time at all and I think they came out pretty well. So today Ben and I needed to make some art work to hang up. He was so cute in his smock and loved the crayons & markers. But he soon tried to eat the markers and when I took them away he was mad-really mad. After I got him cleaned up and calmed down we hung up his latest works of art!
This is Ben's MAD Face!
 These are the 2 projects we did today!
These are the 2 other frames I made with art that Ben has done with Grandma & Grandpa!

51 Weeks